Anita Groenendijk
Anita Groenendijk

Anita Groenendijk is born in 1962, graduated occupational health at the Wageningen University of the Netherlands in 1987, graduated from SRN (Dutch Reincarnation Therapy School) in 1993 and later participated in many workshops on past life regression therapie and other energy healing methods.
In the meantime, she studied aura reading and healing and qualified as an aurareader in 1996.
Between 1999 and 2014, she continued to provide uninterrupted training on kinesiology and has been a Health For Kinesiology trainer since 2001.
Since 2000, she opened her private office, where she worked full time on regression therapy. She developed the Physical Regression Technique with quick and permanent results, combining the most effective aspects of regression with kinesiology. She applies this technique to her clients as well as teaches at various schools.